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Check out some of our Summer 2022 Photos

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EMPOWERED Potential is our life skills and leadership development program for middle and high school youth and young adults ages 18-24. This program exposes participants to training designed to help them with navigating life successfully and most optimally. Our program aims to inspire and equip young individuals with the skills, mindset, and confidence needed to become effective leaders in their schools, communities, and beyond. With the intentional inclusion of violence prevention, program activities directly address this crucial area through the structured development of skills that are research-supported to prevent violence. By focusing on these skills, young people can be empowered to make positive choices, effectively mitigating the root causes of violence within their communities. This in turn promotes safe and inclusive environments and the success of young

people, while also contributing to the creation of a more just and peaceful society. Through a series of engaging and interactive experiences, EMPOWER inspires participants to discover their unique strengths, develop leadership skills, and make a positive impact on the world around them. Team-building activities, icebreakers, and storytelling sessions, allow participants to form meaningful connections, and build trust.


EMPOWERED Potential embraces a holistic approach to leadership development, focusing on

both personal and interpersonal growth through experiential learning activities that include themes, such as self-awareness, effective communication, decision-making, empathy, and resilience.  Participants engage in reflective exercises and group discussions that encourage them to think critically, deal with complex situations and solve problems creatively.  Goal setting and time management skills also equip participants with tools to help them manage responsibilities, commitments and develop a growth mindset.  Creativity is celebrated and the opportunity to fail and try again is supported and encouraged.  For higher learning opportunities and an increased emphasis of the material provided, participants apply learned skills to real life situations and their own lived experiences. This component builds confidence, critical thinking and decision-making skills. Activities also include field trips and engagement with community guest speakers, including seasoned leaders and professionals from various fields, who share their insights, experiences, and journeys and provide valuable perspectives from different contexts.


EMPOWERED Potential provides a transformative experience for young individuals, helping them become confident, empathetic and proactive leaders that are equipped with the skills and mindset needed to positively impact their communities. Our inclusive and engaging approach helps participants cultivate essential skills, develop a strong sense of self, and embrace their capacity to lead and become change agents for a better future.

We are currently looking for individuals, businesses and organizations who are interested in partnering during our 2024 program. Click or scan below to find out how!
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Are you a Parent/Guardian looking to enroll your child/children in our 2024 EMPOWERED Potential Life Skills & Leadership Development Program?  Subscribe to our Email/Text List to receive information about upcoming programs and activities.
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